Lulu is an online platform that provides users with an extensive collection of books, news, and other content. The platform is des...
Flowlingo is an educational and reference application designed to help users learn and practice foreign languages. It is an intera...
Tom's Hardware is a technology news and reviews website that provides in-depth analysis, reviews, and buying guides on computer ha...
PolitePol is an interactive web app and mobile app that provides users with news and books related to politics, current events, an...
Seeking Alpha is a website and app that provides an interactive platform for financial analysis. It provides investment research, ...
SABnzbd is an open-source, free, cross-platform newsreader and Usenet client. It enables users to download binary files from newsg...
Inspire is an app (or website) dedicated to helping users stay up to date with the latest news and books. It provides users with a...
HOOKED is an online platform that combines the best of news and books into one amazing experience. It offers users a personalized ...
Payhip is an online platform that helps authors, bloggers, and other content creators to easily sell and manage their digital prod...
YouVersion is an online Bible study app and website that helps people to engage with scripture and deepen their faith. It offers a...
Mercury Reader is an app and website that allows users to read news and books in a distraction-free environment. It strips away al...
MangaMeeya is an app (or website) that provides a comprehensive library of manga books, digital comics, and graphic novels. It off...