Engadget is an online magazine and blog that provides original coverage on the latest news and trends in consumer electronics, gad...
Character Story Planner 2 is an app (or website) designed to help writers create compelling characters for their stories. The app ...
Ubooquity is an app and website that enables users to create, manage and share their digital libraries of books, comics, and magaz...
AppAdvice is an online magazine and resource for the latest news, reviews, and tips on apps and books. It offers readers a compreh...
alt.binz is an online platform and app that provides users with access to an extensive range of digital media content. It includes...
Read Aloud is an app (or website) that helps people of all ages to read and comprehend text more effectively. It reads aloud any t...
Cliqz is an innovative media platform that offers a unique combination of news, books, and other content. It provides users with a...
Texthelp Read&Write is an assistive technology app and website that helps people with learning disabilities, such as dyslexia, rea...
The Bipartisan Press is an app and website dedicated to providing unbiased news coverage and analysis of the latest national and i...
Papaly is a cloud-based backup and sync application that allows users to securely store, back up, and sync their files across mult...
VerseVIEW is an application and website which provides users with a variety of religious scriptures, books, and news from differen...
AbeBooks is an online marketplace for buying and selling new, used, rare, and out-of-print books. Established in 1995, it is one o...