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Yamdu is an online cloud-based office and productivity platform, designed to help small businesses and teams manage their projects, tasks and communications effectively. It is a comprehensive platform that enables users to create and manage projects, assign tasks, communicate quickly and securely, and collaborate with team members. The platform is designed to help small teams and businesses streamline their workflow and maximize collaboration by utilizing powerful tools such as task management, issue tracking, file sharing, time tracking, and report generation. Yamdu also offers a range of integrations with popular software such as Dropbox, Gmail, Slack and more. The platform also provides an intuitive and user-friendly dashboard with a drag and drop interface that enables users to quickly and easily create and manage tasks, track progress and share documents. The platform also supports collaboration through forums, chat rooms and comments, making it easier for teams to collaborate and communicate effectively. Overall, Yamdu is a comprehensive office and productivity platform that enables small businesses and teams to manage their projects, tasks and communications efficiently.

Office and productivity
