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Yaf is an open-source web application framework written in C#. It was designed to simplify and accelerate the development of web applications and websites. Yaf is based on ASP.NET and provides a set of libraries and classes that make it easier to create web applications by providing a simple and consistent programming model. Yaf comes with an integrated MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, allowing developers to quickly and easily create web applications that are well structured and maintainable. Yaf provides a number of features such as page caching, URL routing, database access, authentication, and role-based security. It also provides a number of helper classes and libraries which make it easier to access features like localization, localization files, localization strings, data access, and caching. Yaf also provides a number of tools and libraries for working with the ASP.NET platform, such as HTML helpers, server controls, and web control adapters, as well as a number of other features. Additionally, Yaf has a strong community of developers that provide support and help to each other.

Development software and applications
