Xyce is an open source, high-performance analog circuit simulator developed at Sandia National Laboratories. It is capable of solving large-scale circuit problems across multiple levels of theory and is widely used in the electrical engineering, semiconductor device design, and photonics communities. Xyce is a robust and highly parallelized simulator that can solve large-scale, non-linear circuit problems of any size with multiple levels of theory. It can be used to analyze the electrical behavior of a wide range of devices, from single-transistor circuits to large, complex integrated circuits. It can be used to simulate various types of devices, such as MOSFETs, BJTs, diodes, and inductors. Xyce also supports a variety of numerical techniques, including Newton-Raphson, SPICE-like, and linear-dynamical methods. Xyce also offers a variety of analysis capabilities, such as transient, AC, DC and Monte Carlo analysis. Xyce is designed to be easy to use and offers an intuitive user interface.
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