Wix# is an open source web development framework designed to make creating and managing web applications easier and faster. It is a .NET-based framework that enables developers to quickly create sophisticated web applications with a wide range of features. It is suitable for building applications such as online stores, blogs, forums, content management systems and e-commerce sites. Wix# provides developers with a wide range of tools and features, such as a powerful template engine, an advanced caching system, an AJAX-based UI, and a powerful application model. Wix# also includes a number of pre-built components, such as forms, widgets, authentication, and payment processing, which make it easy to quickly build complex web applications. Wix# also offers a number of advanced features including an API and an extensive library of plugins and extensions.
By monty11 · Oct 2017
La introducción de WixSharp en nuestro entorno de desarrollo con más de 10 productos finalmente nos permitió cambiar a bajo costo de ClickOnce a MSI. La creación de MSI con WiX requería mucho trabajo, era de error y era sensible al mantenimiento. WixSharp se apoya en los hombros de Wix, pero lo hace más fácil.
Discontinued The product seems to be no longer updated. The latest version, 2.2, released in September 2011, can still be downloaded from the official website.