InstallShield is a Windows-based software development tool used for creating installers and software packages. It is used by software developers to create installers and packages that can be deployed to a variety of platforms, including Windows, Mac, and Linux. InstallShield includes tools for creating a Setup.exe file that can be used to install applications. It also provides an intuitive user interface to allow users to customize the installation process, such as selecting which components to install, creating a license agreement, creating an uninstaller, and creating a setup log file. InstallShield also features a library of pre-created installers and packages for popular software programs. InstallShield is a popular tool for creating installation packages for both commercial and custom software applications.
By jlk4sv · Mar 2012
Por mucho que odio InstallShield, probé Inno Setup en una máquina con Windows 2008 Server R2 x64 y me abandonaba constantemente sin errores. Inicie Inno Setup Compiler, seleccione Scripts de ejemplo ..., haga clic en Aceptar, salir. Pruebe el asistente, va por unos pocos pasos y se cierra. Revisé el Visor de eventos y hay algunas notificaciones crípticas de PCA2, pero no hay información sobre por qué se cerró. Además, el soporte para InnoSetup es difícil de encontrar. A menos que alguien pueda darme una solución alternativa (he intentado Ejecutar como administrador) que impide que Inno Setup Compiler se cierre constantemente, simplemente no puedo utilizarlo como alternativa. Parecía que estaría muy bien. James
Discontinued The project is no longer being developed. The latest version, 2.0.3, released in March 2005, can still be downloaded from the official website.