

  • Libre
  • Linux

Trafshow is a network monitoring and diagnostic application that allows users to view and analyze data traffic on a network in real time. It is designed to analyze the behavior of IP traffic and detect anomalies. The application is highly versatile and allows users to view data from multiple network interfaces simultaneously. Trafshow can be used to monitor traffic on any size network, from just a few computers to large corporate networks. It can be used to monitor specific IP addresses, or to monitor the overall traffic on the network. The application also allows users to filter traffic by protocol, port number, or IP address range. Trafshow includes features such as graphical displays of data traffic, real-time monitoring of traffic statistics, and support for various protocols. It also supports advanced features such as packet capture, packet filtering, and packet reassembly. In addition, the application offers several helpful tools for network administrators, such as a network probe and a traffic simulator.

Network and administration applications
