TinyTask is an easy-to-use, lightweight automation tool for Windows. It's designed to help users automate tasks that are repetitive and time-consuming, such as filling out web forms, clicking buttons, copying and pasting text, and more. With TinyTask, users can create macros and scripts to automate their daily tasks, and they can even customize the settings to fit their exact needs. The app also allows users to share their macros with other users, making it easy to collaborate on projects. It's free to use and comes with a convenient, intuitive interface.
Discontinued Official site / app no disponible.
By 10basetom · Nov 2015
Me encanta el [pequeño] tamaño, la simplicidad y la portabilidad de esta utilidad, pero hay un "comportamiento" que lo hace poco confiable: al reproducir una grabación, también reproduce las pulsaciones de tecla utilizadas para detener la grabación (Ctrl + Shift + Alt + R), que puede conducir a resultados inesperados. Esto se probó en Windows 7 de 32 bits haciendo una grabación en Excel 2010. La mejor grabadora de teclas / mouse es MacroMaker para mí, lo que no funciona en las computadoras modernas.
Discontinued The program is no longer developed. As announced by the developer, the latest version, 0.90.4, released in May 2012, is complete and can be downloaded from Google Code Archive. A maintained port, updated to run on Python 3, has been hosted on GitHub under the name https://alternativeapp.info/software/autokey-py3/, formerly known as AutoKey Py3.