

  • Libre
  • Android
  • iPhone
  • iPad

Telos is an open source blockchain-based platform designed to provide a secure, decentralized, and scalable infrastructure for applications. It is a smart contract platform that can be used to create and deploy decentralized apps, smart contracts, and other digital assets. It also provides a platform for developers to build and deploy distributed applications that run on the Telos blockchain. It is also a multi-chain platform with interoperability across multiple blockchains, allowing developers to build and deploy applications that span multiple blockchains. Some of the features offered by Telos include: secure authentication and verification, decentralized identity, and access control; smart contracts; digital asset management; and a powerful governance system. The platform also provides a secure and reliable environment to store data, manage digital assets, and build applications. Additionally, Telos offers a range of tools and services designed to make development easier and more efficient. These include an integrated development environment, a library of smart contracts, and an open source SDK.

