

  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Linux
  • BSD

Tarantool is an open source distributed in-memory database and application server created to solve the scalability and performance challenges in today's data-intensive applications. It is a combination of an in-memory database, a distributed application server, and an extensible data platform. Tarantool provides a single, unified platform for data storage, application development, and data processing. The in-memory database component of Tarantool makes it an ideal choice for applications that require high performance and throughput. It is capable of handling massive amounts of data in real-time with low latency, and provides a variety of features such as ACID transactions, hot data backups, and multi-master replication. Additionally, Tarantool supports a wide range of programming languages such as PHP, Python, and Ruby, making it easy to develop applications with Tarantool. The distributed application server component of Tarantool allows developers to build applications that are distributed across multiple servers. Tarantool provides a set of APIs, protocols, and tools for developing distributed applications. This makes it possible to build applications that can scale up to handle larger workloads and have better reliability and availability. Finally, Tarantool's extensible data platform provides a powerful set of tools and services for managing and analyzing large amounts of data. It includes APIs and services for data import/export, data aggregation, data mining, and data visualization. This makes it possible to quickly and easily analyze large amounts of data and gain insights from it.

Development software and applications Network and administration applications
