

  • Libre
  • Android
  • iPhone
  • Android Tablet
  • iPad

Tabris is a platform for developing cross-platform mobile apps using JavaScript and HTML5. It can be used to create apps for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone devices, as well as tablets and desktops. Tabris provides an open source framework for app development, allowing developers to create native-like applications with the same look and feel as native apps. Tabris also provides a range of tools for optimizing performance and user experience, as well as tools for deploying and managing apps. Tabris also provides an easy-to-use API for integrating with existing web services and cloud services. Tabris supports a range of features including animation, navigation, data storage, and integration with device features such as the camera and GPS. Tabris can also be used to create cloud-based apps, which can be used with the Tabris cloud platform.

Development software and applications
