

  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux

Sysdig is a cloud-based monitoring and security platform for applications, infrastructure, and containers. It provides visibility into the performance, security, and compliance of your systems. With Sysdig, you can easily monitor and secure your entire system, from the application to the cloud, in one unified platform. Sysdig provides comprehensive visibility and insights into your infrastructure, applications, and containers. It can detect anomalies, including potential security threats, and alert you to them in real time. It can also monitor the performance of your systems, flagging any issues and helping you identify the root cause quickly. Sysdig also helps you adhere to compliance and security standards, allowing you to easily configure and enforce policies. It also provides a visual representation of your system, making it easy to understand what's happening and take action. Overall, Sysdig is a powerful and comprehensive monitoring and security platform that can help you keep your systems running smoothly and securely.

