

  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Linux
  • Web

Structr is a web-based application framework for quickly creating and deploying enterprise applications. It provides a framework for developers to rapidly create and manage applications without having to worry about complex back-end code. Structr is designed to be highly secure, scalable, and extensible, allowing developers to rapidly build, deploy, and maintain enterprise applications. Structr provides a wide range of features such as user authentication, role-based access control, data modeling, customizable forms, workflow automation, and integration with external APIs. Structr also offers a wide range of pre-built components for quickly creating enterprise applications. These components include user management, roles and permissions, search, document management, and workflow automation. Structr also provides an intuitive web-based user interface for managing applications, as well as an API for integrating Structr with external systems. Structr allows developers to quickly create and deploy powerful enterprise applications with minimal effort.

Business and enterprise applications Development software and applications
