Simple Socket File Transfer


  • Libre
  • Windows
  • Python

Simple Socket File Transfer (SSFT) is a type of application or website designed to allow users to transfer files from one computer to another using the internet. It is based on the client-server model, where the server provides the resources and the client requests access to them. The client, or user, connects to the server over the internet via a socket connection. Once connected, the user can transfer files between the two computers. The files can be of any type and size, and the transfer can occur in either direction. The main benefit of SSFT is its ability to quickly and securely transfer files without having to compress the data or use other forms of file transfer protocols. Additionally, SSFT is platform independent, meaning it can be used on Windows, Mac, and Linux systems. SSFT is also easy to use, as it requires no special software or hardware. SSFT is often used to transfer large files such as photos, videos, documents, and other digital media. It can also be used to transfer files between two computers that are not connected to the same network, such as two computers located in different cities. Additionally, SSFT can be used to move files between different cloud storage services, such as Dropbox and Google Drive.

