

  • Freemium
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SendFiles is an online backup and sync application that makes it easy to store, access, and share files securely from anywhere. It offers an easy-to-use interface for end users as well as an intuitive platform for developers. SendFiles lets users upload files from their computer, Dropbox, Google Drive, or any other cloud storage provider. It also allows them to share files with colleagues or friends, keep track of files shared, and manage files on their computers. In addition, it provides a secure online storage solution for businesses, with features like file encryption, automated file backups, and customizable file access settings. SendFiles also offers several features designed to help developers integrate their applications with the platform. These include an API for programmatic access, webhooks for automated file notifications, and a web-based interface for managing files and users. Overall, SendFiles is an ideal solution for businesses and individuals who need an easy way to backup, sync, and share their files securely.

Backup and sync applications File sharing applications and software
