Silent Hill


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Silent Hill is a survival horror video game series developed by Team Silent and published by Konami. The series is set in the fictional town of Silent Hill, Maine, and centers around the cursed town's secrets and the cursed inhabitants that inhabit it. The series is known for its psychological horror, dark atmosphere, and intense sound design. It has also been praised for its excellent story-telling, puzzles, and cinematic presentation. The series has spawned several spin-offs and sequels, and has been adapted into a feature film. The first game in the series, Silent Hill, was released in 1999. Since then, the series has continued to grow in popularity, with games such as Silent Hill 2 (2001), Silent Hill 3 (2003), Silent Hill 4: The Room (2004), and Silent Hill: Origins (2007). The series has also spawned several spin-off games such as Silent Hill: Shattered Memories (2009), Silent Hill: Book of Memories (2012), and Silent Hill: Downpour (2012). As of 2021, the latest game in the series is Silent Hill: P.T., a "Playable Teaser" released in 2014.

