Rmlint is an open-source, cross-platform file management application and software designed to help users find, organize, and clean up their hard drives. It is powered by a powerful and efficient algorithm that can scan and identify duplicate and temporary files, empty directories, broken symlinks, and other unwanted elements. Additionally, it can detect and remove unnecessary metadata, and perform various other file system optimizations. It also provides an interactive and graphical user interface, allowing users to easily view the contents of their hard drive, and apply various operations to their files. Rmlint is fast and efficient, and can save users time and disk space.
Discontinued development of FCorp Software was discontinued in 2016. The latest version of File & Folder Tools, released in August 2016, is still available for download from SoftPedia.
Discontinued development of FCorp Software was discontinued in 2016. The latest version of Cleaner ++, released in July 2016, is still available for download from SoftPedia.
Discontinued The official website is no longer available. The latest version, 3.3.02, released in August 2011, can still be downloaded from Wayback Machine.
By jodumont · Nov 2017
Intenté rmlint, fdupes, dupeguru y fslint si tienes una GUI, dupeguru y FSlint son geniales. Rmlint tiene una GUI pero el duplicado es donde no está el ejemplo. Tengo un montón de archivos con el mismo nombre pero no el mismo contenido (Dockerfile y docker-compose.yml) en diferentes carpetas y rmlint los considera duplicados. ... y no encontré la forma de excluir estos directorios en la mano del otro; Combino un directorio de descargas de diferentes computadoras y copias de seguridad que sé que tienen contenido duplicado, pero rmlint no encuentra nada; tal vez porque tiene demasiados archivos ... de todos modos entiendo por qué está ardiendo rápido, porque simplemente no hace el trabajo correctamente;)
Discontinued Latest version 1.8d of 2010, see http://www.joerg-rosenthal.com/en/antitwin/