Replicon - TimeAttend


  • Freemium
  • Web
  • Android
  • iPhone
  • Android Tablet

Replicon - TimeAttend is a cloud-based time and attendance tracking system that helps businesses manage employee time and attendance data more efficiently. It enables employees to clock in and out, submit requests for time off, and view their total hours worked. Employers can monitor employee schedules, control labor costs, and generate reports with up-to-date information. The system can be integrated with other applications, such as payroll and scheduling systems, to ensure accuracy and speed up the data entry process. It also provides a mobile app that allows employees to clock in and out from any location and can be used to track employee locations. The system also offers tools for configuring rules, approving time off requests, and tracking exceptions such as overtime, undertime, and missed punches. It can be used to generate real-time reports and analysis to help employers make informed decisions about employee time and attendance.

Office and productivity
