

  • Freemium
  • Web
  • Chrome
  • Opera
  • Brave
  • Firefox

Qlearly is an organizational tool aimed to help users stay organized, productive, and focused. It helps users to better manage their web-based activities by providing a visual overview of their online activity. It allows users to organize their web tabs, links, and bookmarks into collections, in order to keep everything organized and easily retrievable. The collections can be shared with others, allowing for collaboration on projects. Additionally, Qlearly has a feature that allows users to quickly access their most used sites with just one click. With Qlearly, users can also keep their desktop clean and organized by creating their own shortcuts, which can be accessed with just one click. Lastly, Qlearly has a built-in dark mode that allows users to work in dim lighting without straining their eyes.

Office and productivity Online services software and applications Web
