
  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • GTK+

PyGTK is an open source graphical user interface (GUI) development toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for the Python programming language. PyGTK provides a set of Python bindings to the GTK+ GUI toolkit, which is used to create graphical user interfaces on the X Window System and Microsoft Windows. PyGTK allows developers to create applications with user interfaces written in the Python programming language. PyGTK provides a set of widgets (also known as controls), including buttons, menus, and text boxes, which can be used to create user interfaces. It also provides the ability to add custom widgets to the user interface. PyGTK supports both 2D and 3D graphics, and allows developers to create applications with both graphical and textual user interfaces. PyGTK provides a set of functions for creating and manipulating graphical objects, and also provides an API for creating custom graphical objects. PyGTK is used in a variety of applications, including web browsers, image viewers, media players, and desktop environments. It is also used to create graphical user interfaces for applications written in the Python programming language.

Development software and applications
