

  • Freemium
  • Web

Ptengine is an analytics and optimization platform for web and mobile applications. It is a cloud-based platform that helps developers and businesses track and analyze user traffic, identify trends, and optimize the user experience. It provides comprehensive real-time insights into user behavior, enabling developers to quickly and easily tweak their applications to improve user engagement, conversion rates, and overall performance. Ptengine includes powerful features such as heat maps, A/B testing, funnel analysis, and user segmentation. Heat maps allow developers to visualize user interactions and identify which elements of the app are most successful. A/B testing allows developers to compare different versions of the app to determine which versions are most effective. Funnel analysis helps developers understand user drop off points and identify areas for improvement. User segmentation helps developers target users based on various criteria, such as location, device type, etc. Overall, Ptengine is a powerful platform for developers and businesses to track, analyze, and optimize the performance of their web and mobile applications.

Development software and applications Network and administration applications
