PRADO (PHP Rapid Application Development Object-oriented) is a high-level framework for the development of web applications in PHP 5. It is based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern that enables users to quickly develop robust, secure, and maintainable web applications. PRADO allows developers to create and maintain applications without having to deal with the underlying complexities of the web. PRADO provides a comprehensive set of components and classes that make up the framework. This includes components for forms, grids, menus, and more. It also offers several different tools to help developers manage and organize their code and databases. A range of authentication methods are also available, allowing users to easily control access to different parts of their application. PRADO also provides several useful features such as the Active Data Controls (ADCs), which allow developers to easily create and manage data-driven applications. It also includes an integrated debugging tool, which enables developers to quickly find and fix errors in their code. Finally, PRADO includes a range of tutorials and documentation to help developers create powerful web applications quickly and easily.
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