

  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux

PmWiki is a web-based wiki application that enables users to easily create and edit web pages using a simple markup language. It is designed to be highly customizable, allowing users to create their own skins, extensions and plugins. The software is also designed to be easily extended, allowing users to create their own custom applications with it. PmWiki is open source and is released under a GNU General Public License. The main purpose of PmWiki is to provide a simple way for users to create and maintain web content. It can be used for creating personal websites, family websites, corporate intranets, online magazines, online books, online manuals, online help systems, and even a simple blog. It is also used as a platform for creating corporate or educational wikis, as well as for providing support and help for online communities. PmWiki is easy to install and use, and provides a number of features that allow users to quickly and easily create and manage their web content. It also provides an extensive range of features for customizing the look and feel of the website. It is also extensible, allowing users to create their own plugins and extensions to extend the functionality of the software.

Education and reference applications Office and productivity
