

  • Libre
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  • Eclipse

PdDroidParty is an app and website developed by the Pd-Extended community which allows users to create, modify, and share audio and multimedia applications. It is a powerful platform for creating musical instruments, real-time sound synthesis, and interactive media applications. It includes a powerful programming language, Pure Data (Pd), which enables users to construct a wide variety of sound synthesis and manipulation tools. The PdDroidParty app and website offer users a range of features, including tutorials and sample projects, a library of Pd patches, a forum for discussion of topics related to Pd and audio programming, and the ability to share and collaborate on projects with other users. The app also offers a visual programming environment, allowing users to build projects without writing code. PdDroidParty is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in exploring and developing applications related to audio and multimedia.

Development software and applications
