

  • Freemium
  • Web
  • Android
  • iPhone
  • Chrome OS
  • Android Tablet
  • iPad
  • Chrome
  • Kindle Fire
  • Wordpress

Padlet is an online file sharing application and software that allows users to create and collaborate on virtual walls. It is a simple and easy to use platform that allows users to share documents and media such as images, videos, audio files, PDFs, and other documents with any type of device. It also provides a free version with basic features, as well as a paid version with more features and customization options. With Padlet, users can create a visual and interactive space for their projects, conversations, and ideas. It also provides tools for commenting, organizing and filtering content, and connecting with other users. Padlet also allows users to create private and public walls, which can be shared with specific individuals or with the public. This makes it a great platform for collaboration, education, and team projects.

File sharing applications and software Office and productivity Web
