OverLAPS (Overlapping Local Administrative Password Service) is a network and administrative application designed to provide an additional layer of security for administrators. In particular, OverLAPS provides an easy way for administrators to manage their accounts and passwords on multiple systems. The application provides a central repository for account and password information, which can then be used to access multiple systems. It also provides a way for administrators to easily change passwords and other security settings across multiple systems. Additionally, it provides an audit trail of changes made to accounts and passwords, allowing administrators to easily identify any unauthorized changes. Finally, OverLAPS can be configured to alert administrators when certain changes are made, allowing them to quickly respond to any security threats.
Suspended Last release 2.0.3 was in September 2016 https://github.com/keepassx/keepassx/releases https://www.keepassx.org/newsLast commit October 2017. Because the project became inactive, KeepassXC was born .