Open System Architect


  • Libre
  • Windows
  • Linux

Open System Architect (OSA) is a web-based platform that allows users to create, share, and collaborate on systems architecture diagrams. It is designed to bridge the gap between system architects, software engineers, and other stakeholders to facilitate efficient communication and collaboration. OSA enables users to create professional, high-level diagrams such as component diagrams, data flow diagrams, and dependency diagrams, as well as detailed diagrams such as activity diagrams, sequence diagrams, and state diagrams. Through OSA's browser-based interface, users can quickly and easily create, share, and modify diagrams with colleagues, which can help to streamline the development process. OSA's intuitive user interface allows users to quickly add components and relationships, while its powerful diagramming engine ensures that the diagrams created are accurate and up-to-date. OSA also provides users with a library of commonly used components, ensuring that they have the resources they need to create accurate and comprehensive diagrams.

