ER/Studio Data Architect


  • Libre
  • Windows

ER/Studio Data Architect is a powerful data modeling tool designed to help organizations easily visualize, design, and manage data structures across multiple databases. It offers a comprehensive suite of features to ensure that data models are optimized, consistent, and secure. ER/Studio Data Architect offers a graphical environment to create and manage enterprise data models and allows users to integrate existing databases and data warehouses into the model. With its intuitive user interface, users can quickly and easily create complex data models. It also offers a powerful feature to reverse engineer existing databases and data warehouses to create a data model, which allows for easy analysis and comparison of model changes. Additionally, it provides comprehensive data lineage and impact analysis, which can be used to trace data from source to target and identify the impact of changes. It also has advanced features for automating the generation of SQL scripts and DDLs, as well as for creating and integrating with ERP, CRM, and Big Data systems. ER/Studio Data Architect is a powerful and easy-to-use solution for developing and managing enterprise data models.

Development software and applications
