Newzie is a news and book aggregator that brings content from a variety of sources into one easy to use platform. It allows users to quickly and easily find the latest news, books, and other content related to their interests. Newzie's search engine and powerful algorithms allow users to quickly and effectively find news and book related content, as well as related reviews, discussions, and other related content. It also allows users to easily save and share content with friends. Newzie also offers a personalized news feed that enables users to receive tailored content and tailored recommendations based on their interests. Additionally, Newzie offers an array of tools and features for advanced users and content creators, such as the ability to create and manage content collections, create custom RSS feeds, and track changes in content over time.
Discontinued The author announced that the development is discontinued on March 14, 2013, but FeedDemon can still be downloaded from the official website. It will continue to work without Google Reader synchronization after July 1, 2013.
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