Nebulous Notes is a cloud-based development application that allows users to quickly and easily create, organize, and store notes, documents, and other information. It is designed to enable users to effectively manage and organize their development projects, make notes, and store documents, regardless of their location. The application allows users to create, edit, and delete notes as needed, with the ability to quickly search and filter based on keywords. Nebulous Notes also offers real-time collaboration features, allowing users to work together in real-time and share their notes with other users. It also offers a range of integration options with popular development tools, making it easier to integrate with existing projects and workflows.
Nebulous Notes Comments
By OmgItsTheSmartGuy · Jun 2011
El modo de pantalla completa de Nebulous Notes es realmente confuso de controlar. Existe el modo de pantalla completa sin teclado, el modo de pantalla completa con teclado, el modo normal sin teclado y luego el modo normal con teclado. Esto podría no parecer tan confuso, hasta que te das cuenta de que solo hay un botón para controlar todos estos modos. Definitivamente toma un poco de tiempo acostumbrarse.