Mobile Bandit


  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • iPhone
  • iPad

Mobile Bandit is an innovative travel and location application that allows users to explore the world around them in a fun and interactive way. With Mobile Bandit, users can take part in challenges and scavenger hunts that are based on their current location. These challenges and scavenger hunts are designed to engage users in exploring the world around them, while learning about its history and culture. Using Mobile Bandit, users can create, share and join custom challenges and scavenger hunts, as well as take part in pre-made challenges. Challenges are designed to be both fun and educational, encouraging users to explore their surrounding areas and discover interesting sights, sounds and stories. Rewards are given for completing challenges and earning points, which can be used to unlock additional features. Mobile Bandit also features a social element, allowing users to follow friends and share their experiences. This allows users to take part in challenges together, and share their successes with one another. Overall, Mobile Bandit is an excellent way for users to explore the world around them, learn about its history and culture, and share their experiences with friends.

Travel and location applications
