Messup Chat


  • Libre
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Web

Messup Chat is an enterprise application that provides organizations with secure, real-time communication and collaboration capabilities. It allows teams to stay connected and work together in a single space, while providing tools to facilitate collaboration and communication. Messup Chat enables users to create private or public conversations, share files, and transfer documents. It also offers video conferencing, screen sharing, and other features. Messup Chat also provides a workspace for teams to manage tasks, set deadlines, track progress, and collaborate on projects. Additionally, it integrates with third-party applications to allow for further customization and integration with existing systems. The application provides users with access to an array of in-app tools and features, such as task automation, document management, and analytics, enabling organizations to streamline their operations and increase productivity. Messup Chat also allows users to customize the look and feel of the platform, allowing them to create a unique experience that suits their needs.

Business and enterprise applications Social and communication
