Knot DNS


  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Linux

Knot DNS is a free, open source, high-performance authoritative-only Domain Name System (DNS) server. It is designed to be fast, secure, and reliable, while offering a rich feature set. Knot DNS is a full-featured server that provides a variety of features, including support for IPv6, DNSSEC, NSEC3, TSIG, and more. It is written in C and is optimized for performance and memory efficiency. Knot DNS is easy to configure, with a user-friendly web interface and a comprehensive set of command-line tools. It can be used for small to large deployments, as it can be run on a single server or scaled to multiple servers with a distributed architecture. Knot DNS is highly reliable and can handle large amounts of traffic. It is trusted by over 10 million domains, making it one of the most popular DNS servers available.

Network and administration applications
