

  • Libre
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  • Linux

DJBDNS (Daniel J. Bernstein's Domain Name System) is an open source DNS server designed to be a secure and reliable alternative to the traditional DNS implementations. It was created by Daniel J. Bernstein, a computer science professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago. DJBDNS is a lightweight and efficient DNS server that is designed to improve security and reliability for domain name resolution. It is an alternative to the traditional DNS implementations, such as BIND, which is known for its vulnerability to certain attack vectors. DJBDNS is secure by design and is intended to be used in critical production environments. DJBDNS is composed of three main components: tinydns, dnscache and axfrdns. Tinydns is the authoritative DNS server, which contains the authoritative information of the domain names. Dnscache is the caching DNS server, which is used to speed up domain name resolution by caching previous queries. Axfrdns is the name server transfer component, which is used for zone transfers to other DNS servers. DJBDNS is a great choice for those who require a secure and reliable DNS server. It is lightweight, efficient, and secure by design. Additionally, it is relatively easy to setup and configure.

Network and administration applications
