Kitabu is an all-in-one news and books platform that helps readers discover and engage with the latest news from around the world and access a wide variety of titles from different genres and authors. Kitabu features a curated news feed, personalized recommendations, and a library of over 1 million titles that can be read online or downloaded to any device. Kitabu also provides users with tools to customize their experience, such as the ability to save books and news content for later, create personalized reading lists, and access exclusive offers. Additionally, Kitabu offers an extensive library of educational resources, including study guides, flashcards, and activities. Finally, Kitabu offers a variety of social features, such as the ability to follow authors, join book clubs, and participate in discussion boards. This allows users to connect with other readers and share their thoughts and views on books, authors, and the news.
Discontinued The project seems to be abandoned. The last launch was in January 2014.