

  • Libre
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JMonkeyEngine (JME) is a high-performance, open-source, Java-based 3D game engine used to create 3D applications such as games, virtual reality (VR) experiences, and simulations. It is suitable for both novice and experienced developers, providing a powerful set of tools for developing 3D games and applications quickly and easily. It offers an intuitive programming interface, a wide array of built-in components, and support for a variety of platforms, including Windows, Mac, Linux, and mobile devices. JME is designed to be flexible and extensible, allowing developers to customize its features and functionality to suit their needs. It also offers various features such as physics engine integration, AI pathfinding, animation support, and advanced lighting and shadowing capabilities. With its comprehensive feature set and excellent performance, JME is an ideal choice for developing immersive 3D experiences.

Development software and applications Games
