Heartsome Translation Studio


  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux

Heartsome Translation Studio is a powerful translation software that provides users with a wide range of tools and features to make translating documents easier and faster. It helps users to create, edit, and manage multilingual documents with ease. The software has a built-in translation memory that stores translations, helping users to save time and increase their productivity. It supports various file formats, such as TXT, HTML, XLIFF, and XML, and can be integrated with translation services to bring translation quality to the next level. It also has an advanced search feature that allows users to quickly find and replace words in a document. The software also includes a range of editing tools, such as spellcheck, auto-correction, and proofreading, that make editing texts much easier. Additionally, it offers a range of other features, such as tagging, project management, and automated quality assurance. All in all, Heartsome Translation Studio is designed to make translation and localisation of documents easier and faster.

Education and reference applications
