

  • Freemium
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Web
  • Chrome OS

HaltDos is an application designed to help protect a system against malicious attacks by stopping malicious requests and defending against malicious traffic. It is an application security solution that helps detect, monitor, and stop malicious traffic before it reaches a user's system. It provides an array of features such as dynamic IP blocking, application-level firewall, and URL filtering. HaltDos also provides advanced protection against distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. It monitors the traffic from all of the user's IP addresses and blocks any malicious requests before they can reach the user's system. Additionally, HaltDos can help alert users about any suspicious activity and provides detailed reports on the nature of malicious traffic. HaltDos is designed to help reduce the risks associated with online attacks and help ensure that a user's system is secure and protected.

Security and privacy applications
