Cloudflare is a service that provides a range of network and administration applications to help improve the performance and security of websites. It helps protect websites against malicious traffic, reducing outages, and improving performance. Cloudflare also provides features such as a content delivery network (CDN), DNS, and analytics. It is an easy to use platform that can be used to manage multiple websites with one unified dashboard. Cloudflare also offers additional features such as DDoS protection, image optimization, and more. It is an ideal solution for businesses looking to improve the performance and security of their online presence.
AWS es un servicio general que puede usarse para muchos propósitos. Cloudflare está diseñado para la protección DDoS, el equilibrio de carga, el DNS, el almacenamiento en caché y muchos más. Casi todas estas características se pueden encontrar en AWS, pero no están acopladas de manera flexible. No tengo conocimiento