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Hakyll is a Haskell library for generating static websites. It provides a flexible way to generate HTML pages from the content of your choice. It is designed to be easy to use and understand, making it a great choice for creating personal sites, blogs, and other content-driven applications. Hakyll allows you to write your content in any language, including Markdown, LaTeX, and HTML. It also supports a wide range of templating languages, such as Mustache, Handlebars, and Nunjucks. This makes it easy to create a custom look and feel for your site. Hakyll also supports a variety of content sources, such as RSS feeds, JSON files, and even external web APIs. This makes it a great choice for creating dynamic sites that can update themselves in real-time. Hakyll is also designed to be extensible. It allows you to write your own custom code to extend its features, such as adding custom tags or building your own website framework. Overall, Hakyll is an excellent choice for creating static websites. It's easy to use and understand, and can be extended to fit almost any use case.

Development software and applications Photo and graphics applications Social and communication
