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Foboko is an online platform that lets you access and read news and books from around the world. It offers a vast library of free and premium content, including books, newspapers, magazines, and more. The platform also features a social media-style interface, allowing readers to easily connect with other readers and authors. Foboko’s features include a news reader, book reader, and a personalized reading experience. The news section provides a comprehensive collection of articles from all over the world, while the book reader offers access to thousands of titles from various genres. The personalized reading experience lets you customize and save your reading preferences and lists, as well as set up alerts for new releases. You can also follow other readers and authors, and join reading and writing groups. Foboko also provides tools for authors, such as a self-publishing platform, editor, and analytics tools, so they can easily create and manage their books. Foboko’s secure platform ensures that all your personal data is kept safe and private.

News and Books Photo and graphics applications
