FeedFury is a news and book aggregator application (or website) that enables users to stay informed and up-to-date on the latest news, books and trends. FeedFury provides a one-stop shop for readers to access relevant, quality content from a variety of sources. It allows users to select the type of content they are interested in and access it from a variety of different sources. FeedFury provides a clean, user-friendly interface for users to easily navigate and view content. It also allows users to customize their news and book feed based on their interests. FeedFury also offers a range of sharing tools, such as the ability to save articles to read later, share with friends and comment on articles.
Discontinued The author announced that the development is discontinued on March 14, 2013, but FeedDemon can still be downloaded from the official website. It will continue to work without Google Reader synchronization after July 1, 2013.
Descontinuado https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.noinnion.android.greader.reader RIP