

  • Libre
  • Web
  • Self-Hosted

Feedbunch is an innovative news and books app that simplifies the process of staying informed. It’s a great tool for anyone who wants to stay up to date with both the news and books, as it provides its users with access to the latest updates from both industries. The app allows users to customize their experience by creating personalized news and book feeds. It has a powerful search engine which allows users to easily search for content in the news and book categories. Additionally, Feedbunch’s content is constantly updated so users can stay up to date with the latest news and books. Feedbunch also offers a feature called “Bookmark” which allows users to save articles and books they find interesting. This feature makes it easy to come back to something they wanted to read again or to share it with friends. Finally, the app provides users with the ability to follow the news and book topics they are interested in. This way, users are always informed of the latest news and books related to their interests.

News and Books
