Docker is a popular open-source container platform that can be used for automating the deployment of applications through containerization. It is a platform for developers and system administrators to build, ship, and run distributed applications. Docker allows applications to be packaged into standard units called containers, which can be quickly deployed, moved, and scaled across different environments. It is a great tool for simplifying the configuration and deployment of applications, as containers are portable and platform-independent. It also allows for the rapid deployment of applications and services, making it a great choice for any organization looking to streamline their workflow.
Docker is a virtual environment manager, vagrant operates with boxes that essentially virtual machines with specific configuration.
Vagrant will run virtual machines, not containers
Vagrant requires a dockable window in most cases.
Lightweight, very easy to install. Moving containers between servers is as easy as copying a file.
Excellent tools and documentation, they have been around for much longer than the docker and are a more mature solution.
Discontinued "Fig. It has been replaced by Docker Compose, and is now deprecated. The new documentation can be found on the Docker website".
is an orchestrator for Docker, not an alternative to Docker. If I'm looking for an alternative to Docker, why would I want something based on that?
By 10basetom · Apr 2018
Docker es como un software portátil, pero piense que es como hacer que todo su entorno de desarrollo (su marco y todas las bibliotecas dependientes, servidores web / base de datos, incluso el sistema operativo) sea portátil. Mejor aún, en lugar de descargar y descomprimir en una carpeta, simplemente puede ejecutar un comando simple para comenzar a usarlo: realmente no puede ser más simple que eso en términos de configuración de un entorno de desarrollo. Después de "acoplar" por primera vez, volver a copiar archivos de configuración y lo que no se sentirá tan arcaico. Sin embargo, una advertencia: Docker consume memoria como si fuera agua embotellada después de estar en el desierto durante un mes. Mi sistema de 8 GB pasó del 35% de consumo de memoria a más del 60% de consumo de memoria utilizando Docker.
Recomiendo una máquina con 16 GB de RAM si planea usar Docker a tiempo completo.
Vagrant creates packages for VMware and Docker. Docker executes the packages.