
  • Libre
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  • Web

DaDaBIK (DataBase Interfaces Kit) is a web-based application that provides users with an easy-to-use interface for creating and managing databases online. It is designed to be a powerful yet simple way to create and manage databases, and can be used by both professional developers and non-technical users. DaDaBIK allows users to quickly create a database through a web interface, and then use the same interface to manage and manipulate the data. It provides a user-friendly way to create, edit, and delete records in a database. It also includes features like custom data entry forms, searching, sorting, and reporting capabilities. It supports multiple database types, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite, and has support for internationalization. DaDaBIK is a great tool for developers and non-technical users alike. It provides users with an easy-to-use interface for creating and managing databases, and with its wide range of features and support for multiple database types, it is sure to meet all of your database needs.

Development software and applications
