

  • Freemium
  • Self-Hosted

ClickMinded is a comprehensive online platform for building and managing successful social media campaigns. It provides users with a wide range of tools to help them create, monitor, and optimize campaigns across multiple social media platforms. The platform provides users with automated tools for creating stunning visuals for their campaigns, as well as for tracking and measuring the results of their campaigns. It also offers an array of tools for monitoring conversations, analyzing competitors, and optimizing campaigns. The platform also provides users with detailed analytics on the performance of their campaigns and provides insights into the effectiveness of their strategies. It also provides users with insights into the performance of content, ad campaigns, and more. Additionally, the platform provides automated alerts when something is not working correctly, such as when competitor campaigns outperform yours. Overall, ClickMinded is a comprehensive platform that provides users with all the tools they need to create, monitor, and optimize successful social media campaigns.

Social and communication
