

  • Libre
  • Self-Hosted
  • AngularJS

CacoCloud is an interactive news and book platform that is designed to bring the world of news and books together in one place. With CacoCloud, users can read, search, and browse through a wide range of topics, from current events and news to books about various topics, such as politics, science, business, and more. The platform offers users an easy-to-use interface that allows them to quickly find what they are looking for. It also features an extensive library of books and content, including both free and paid content. In addition to its library, CacoCloud also provides users with a range of tools and resources, such as a series of interactive maps, a daily news feed, and a community of users who can engage and discuss news and books. The platform also has an integrated social media component, allowing users to share, comment on, and discuss content with other users. Finally, CacoCloud also offers users the ability to create their own personalized library and save their favorite content for later use.

News and Books Office and productivity Security and privacy applications Web
