

  • Freemium
  • Web
  • iPhone
  • Internet Explorer
  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • Firefox

Bitium is a cloud-based security and privacy application that offers users an easy and secure way to access, manage, and monitor all of their business accounts, devices, and applications. It provides user-friendly security and privacy controls that allow organizations to maintain compliance with data privacy laws and industry regulations. Through its intuitive web-based platform and mobile apps, Bitium allows users to centrally manage authentication, access, and permissions for all their accounts, devices, and applications, as well as control their employee's usage of them. Bitium also provides an advanced monitoring system that can detect and alert users to any suspicious activity and provide real-time insights into user activity. With Bitium, organizations can ensure their data is secure, their employees are provided with the correct access to the correct accounts, and that their business is compliant with the latest data privacy and security regulations.

Security and privacy applications
