

  • Freemium
  • Web
  • Zen Cart
  • X-Cart Store Manager
  • Vanilla
  • Drupal
  • Joomla
  • PrestaShop
  • Wordpress
  • Magento Community Edition
  • vBulletin

LoginRadius is a cloud-based security and privacy application that provides identity and access management solutions. It enables users to securely register, login, and manage their accounts with customizable options that can be tailored to meet the needs of any company or individual. The platform provides a unified user experience across web, mobile, and social applications. It offers features such as social login, single sign-on, two-factor authentication, account linking, and enhanced security. Additionally, LoginRadius provides advanced analytics and insights to help users understand their user base and optimize their user experience. The platform is also GDPR and CCPA compliant, offering enterprise-grade security and privacy protection.

Security and privacy applications
